Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bergdorf's Does Wonderland Windows for Christmas


photo from Bergdorf-Goodman
     Last week, I discovered the most fabulous blog, The Well Appointed House. Despite my penchant for literature and yoga, and my passion for green living, most of the blogs I devour are devoted to lifestyles and interior design. Over the past year, I've been schooled in Chinoiserie and Southern design, and I've watched a young couple decorate their gorgeous new home (props, Averill). I even had the opportunity to make a virtual entrance at a Blog Ball wearing Stella McCartney!

     That's the beauty of the blogosphere: I'm surrounded by cornfields, Walmart art, and seasonally-costumed concrete porch ducks, but I have friends in every major metropolis who can subdue my craving for big cities and the West Coast. It's been years since I've been able to go to State Street after Thanksgiving to see Chicago's Christmas windows - hell, Fields isn't even there anymore! But blogs like The Well Appointed house bring Manhattan and SOHO and Michigan Avenue right to my screen, rekindling my childhood memories of posh, sparkling, magical mechanized department store windows.
     This year, TWAH featured Bergdorf-Goodman's nod to Alice in Wonderland. Visit the original post. And then shop their eponymous store. OOOh la la! If I had the time this holiday season, I'd totally go to NYC just to see these amazing dioramas.


  1. And I'm met up with you in NYC Kitty to see the incredible display with you. Thanks much for the shout out. Blog land is a fabulous thing. Something I could of never, ever imagined when I sat down that day over a year ago to begin my first 'click's. Now I must go check out 'The Well Appointed House'. Hope all is well Kitty and you are having a glorious holiday season thus far? hugs to you xx

  2. Yes, darling, it's been one mad tea party after another! Thanks for popping by! Yours, kitty.

  3. sounds magical indeed. l.a. doesn't have those gorgeous display windows like new york does during the holiday season. now i'm off to check those links!

  4. bagnatic: may all the fabulous handbags in the world find their way to your closet in the new year!

  5. A very Happy New Year. I have added your new blog to both my blogrolls. This will be great fun.
